Open Letter to Dr. Fauci as He Addresses My Fellow Teachers

Open Schools US
4 min readJan 28, 2021


Dear Dr. Fauci,

I want to thank you for taking the time to answer the questions and address the concerns of educators across the country. We need your help badly — there is a lot of concern and misinformation in our ranks.

Many teachers support school reopening, and we have come together to form Teachers4OpenSchools, a group advocating for the safe, but urgent reopening of our schools.

With a growing multitude of evidence supporting the safety of open school buildings, it is time for America to prioritize the reopening of in-person learning for all K-12 schools. Yet we face obstacles, and I wanted to outline the key areas where we need the support of leaders like you.

First, please help allay educator fears about reopening.

The reopening conversation has been ruled by emotion. Now that we have the recent CDC and other studies, I hope you can help bring both evidence and reassurance to the discussion.

We value your expertise, medically and scientifically, and your ability to interpret the data, analyze risks, and lead our nation. Perhaps your voice can influence teachers where the studies and CDC articles have not.

Second, help us get answers on key ‘How to Reopen’ questions

The devil is in the detail, and sometimes we spin our wheels debating what the experts know about mitigation measures. We look to you for answers, guidance, and accountability on the following topics:

A) Distancing Guidelines

Currently, most schools adhere to classroom capacities that allow for 6 feet of social distancing between all individuals. This is extremely limiting and makes it difficult for school leaders to sufficiently staff their schools. The World Health Organization recommends, maintaining one meter of distance between students and staff, which is closer to 3 feet (half of the current mitigation). We see multiple US experts recommending 3-foot distancing. Is 1 meter a safe distance to maintain to stop the spread of COVID-19? Will we adopt this measure to ensure our students can spend more time in school?

B) Closure and Quarantine Protocols

Many proponents of school closures argue that when schools are open, classes or buildings close temporarily anyway due to positive cases amongst students or staff. This is a valid argument, as current protocols result in disruptive school closures. For example, in New York City, any school building must close if there are two unlinked cases in the building. What are your data-driven recommendations for school closures based on in-school cases, community positivity, and other factors?

C) Vaccinations and Medical Accommodations

Another critical aspect of school reopening is assuring that we do everything possible to protect those most vulnerable to COVID-19. Granting reasonable medical accommodation for high-risk staff to work from home is a great way to do this. With educators across the country being prioritized for vaccination, will it be safe for accommodated staff members to return to work two weeks after receiving their second dose? What is the plan for remote teaching and learning as an option as we continue to vaccinate more of the population?

Third, please help us with balanced risk analysis

It is important to weigh the other risk factors involved with school opening/closing due to COVID-19. An alarming number of students are facing mental health crises, including rising rates of anxiety, depression, and suicide. In addition, students who are abused or neglected and are unable to access their educators and counselors in person face great dangers as well. What supports can we provide to ensure all students have access to proper interventions and treatments? How do we balance the risks of COVID with other serious physical and mental health risks?

I have the utmost faith that you are the person who can lead us in this transition, with good answers to these questions.

Thank you for taking the time to read this letter, and for addressing this critical issue. I look forward to hearing your responses to educators from across the nation as we move forward together. I trust that you will continue to advocate for the safety and wellbeing of educators and students alike, with an increased focus on reopening in-person learning for all students, regardless of their zip code, socioeconomic status, race, or ability.

If we all can agree on one thing, it is just how important our K-12 schools are. Teaching and learning are crucial aspects of a productive society, but so are the physical and mental health services, food security, and social emotional connections children access at school.


Eleni Filippatos




Open Schools US
Open Schools US

Written by Open Schools US

Parent and teacher advocacy for #OpenSchools in ALL communities across the United States

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